Monday, August 30, 2010
Round Table Discussion
Well, you get part of the point anyway. For me, cooking and eating are partly about putting food in tummies -- providing nourishment and primal satisfaction. But even more important, at least to me, is the connection that can be made around a dinner table or a picnic table or a card table.
Yesterday we had lunch with my father and stepmother, my sister and one of my adult nephews. The meal was very good, but largely uncomplicated. We cooked hamburgers on the grill. We served them with cheese, tomatoes, lettuce, some of my homemade pickles, and yellow sweet corn. We sipped on beer and iced tea, and sipped coffee while we ate a yummy cinnamon crumb cake made by my stepmother.
But while the meal itself was fairly forgettable (though very good), the camaraderie was not. We sat around that table for probably two hours after all of the food was gone, and yakked. We didn’t solve world problems. We didn’t come upon a cure for cancer or the common cold. But we talked about things that were important to us. We told our father about our trip back home, and how highly regarded he was with people he rarely thinks about but never forgets. My sister told us funny stories about the interesting people with whom she deals regularly, reminding ourselves that all people are unique, but often very familiar. We talked about existing and upcoming grandchildren. We talked about hobbies. We laughed. We gossiped. We praised God for food and family and good health.
Food unites us as a human family. It nourishes our bodies, but it also nourishes us emotionally. It is the thread that weaves us all together. You can roast a turkey most any day of the week, but Thanksgiving dinner is about the people who are sitting around you at the dinner table.
So, cooking really should be, and largely is, very simple. Enjoy the preparation, the serving, the eating, and the sharing with family and friends.
Oh, and have cinnamon crumb cake as often as possible.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
The Perfect Pie
We did have, however, one primary goal. Was it to find out how we can help save the sea turtles? Was it to catch a giant tuna during a deep sea fishing expedition? Was it to snorkel in the continental United States’ only living-coral barrier reef?
No, I’m afraid it was none of those things. Our mission, my friends, was to find the quintessential key lime pie.
Our research strategy was quite simple. We ate out every meal, and at the end of each of these many meals (including breakfast), we ordered a piece of key lime pie. In the period of three or four days during which we conducted our research, we had some really good key lime pie and some not so good key lime pie. We ate some key lime fluff, some pie with filling the color of the green crayon in a box of Crayola Crayons, some pie that had the misfortune of being key lime custard sitting atop lime Jello. We had graham cracker crusts. We had pastry crusts. We even had chocolate cookie crusts.
Finally, towards the end or our trip, in a restaurant in the town of Islamorada, we took a bite of the piece of key lime pie we had ordered. We chewed, swallowed, and looked at each other with smiles on our faces. No question about it. This was the one.
After finishing our pie, down to the last graham cracker crumb, and with great trepidation, I beckoned to the server. She came over to our table and asked if everything was alright. I assured her it was. I then told her about the research we had been conducting. I informed her that, after a great deal of study, we had determined that this very restaurant offered the best key lime pie we had tasted in our visit throughout the keys.
She smiled modestly, and seemed pleased. I cleared my throat, and in a very serious tone, I asked her if there was any chance that the restaurant would give me the recipe. No doubt there were secrets they would be reluctant to share. A special orchard that raised organic key limes. Goat’s milk from animals raised without hormones or antibiotics. Ground-up seeds from the wiki wiki plant found only in the jungles of the Dominican Republic. Eggs gathered from chickens that had free range of a little-known Caribbean island and lived off of key lime seeds. And no doubt the pie took hours to make as the sous chef squeezed hundreds and hundreds of the aforementioned tiny key limes.
“Sure,” the server said without a moment’s hesitation. “You can find it on the back of a bottle of Nellie & Joe’s Key Lime Juice. It’s in every grocery store in the country.”
Sure enough, I went into the first grocery store I saw and found Nellie & Joe’s Key Lime Juice, and there was the pie recipe. What’s more, the recipe consists of a grand total of four ingredients, including the pie crust.
And she was right. I am able to find Nellie & Joe’s Key Lime Juice at any grocery store I have ever visited in every state in the union (to be honest, I haven’t tried Wyoming).

Here is the recipe, exactly as found on the lime juice bottle:
Nellie & Joe’s Key Lime Pie
One – 9” graham cracker pie shell
One – 14 oz. can sweetened condensed milk
3 – egg yolks (whites not used)
½ cup - Nellie & Joe’s Key West Lime Juice
Combine milk, egg yolks and lime juice. Blend until smooth. Pour filling into pie shell and bake at 350 degrees for 15 minutes. Allow to stand 10 minutes before refrigerating. Just before serving, top with freshly whipped cream and garnish with lime slices.
Now if you don’t want to feel too guilty, you can make your pie crust from scratch and actually use fresh whipped cream. I, however, buy the pie crust and use frozen whipped topping. I do let my husband top the pie with whipped topping and call him my sous chef.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Viva la Mexico
Of note, however, is the fact that during the years I spent in that community there were absolutely no people of color. Not a single, solitary African American. Zero people of Asian descent. Zippo Latino residents. There was a multitude of white people of Polish, German, and Czech descent, with an occasional Irish family having made its way from O’Neil, northwest of my town. It was somewhat scandalous when my mother (of Polish descent) married my father (of Swiss descent). Such were the ethnic concerns of small-town Nebraska in the 40s and 50s.
There was nothing inherently wrong with the lack of cultural diversity I experienced as a child. It just was a fact of life. Now, I’m happy to report, there is much more cultural diversity. The meat packing plants in the nearby towns and the industrial jobs available in my old hometown have brought many immigrants to the community.
Because of this lack of cultural diversity, I had never eaten one bite – not one single bite – of Mexican food until my late ‘teens, when Taco John moved into town. I won’t say a word.
In the mid-70s, my mother and father moved to Colorado, to a town called Leadville, which, if I’m not mistaken, purports to be the highest incorporated town in the United States. It sits at somewhere around 10,000 feet above sea level. Very thin air. And, because of a rich mining community, at least up until the 80s, a significant portion of the population was of Hispanic descent – primarily Mexican.
And this impacted me how? I tasted real Mexican food for the first time. I’m dead serious: It was love at first bite.
Now, when asked the inevitable question about food on a desert island, it doesn’t take me a nanosecond to say I could never live without Mexican food – the hotter, the better. Seriously, if my nose doesn’t begin running while eating my burrito, I ask for the hot sauce. In fact, when we spent three months living in Italy a couple of years ago, despite the fact that I was surrounded by the most wonderful food imaginable, I yearned for a cheese and onion enchilada with spicy red sauce.
Now, despite the fact that I’m a reasonably good cook, and despite the fact that I have a serious love affair with Mexican grub, I rarely cook Mexican food. There are several reasons. The first is that in Denver, and throughout the U.S. southwest, you can find delicious Mexican food every other block – and generally very reasonably priced. The second reason is that one of my sisters has taken on the role of the family’s Mexican food cook. She does a wonderful job. Her green chili is amazing. Whenever we have family visiting, we request what we all call a fiesta! Viva la fiesta!
Her Mexican cooking abilities have made me lazy, and as I said, I have a dearth of Mexican meals in my repertoire. One exception is my stacked chicken enchiladas.
I made this enchilada casserole (which I’m sure REAL Mexicans would not call REAL Mexican food) last night, and my husband and I ate nearly the whole thing. Big pigs.
Here’s my recipe:
Stacked Chicken Enchiladas
1 onion, cut in chunks
2 jalapenos, stems removed
12 tomatillos, with skins removed
One bunch cilantro
2 limes
Roasted chicken from the grocery store
1 pint of your favorite green chili
2 c. shredded cheese (cheddar or Monterey Jack, or cheese of choice)
Corn tortillas – a dozen or so
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Pull the skin off of the roasted chicken and discard (or secretly eat behind your spouse’s back, as I do). Pull the meat off the bones and add the chicken to the green chili sauce, Set aside.
Salsa verde: Place onion, jalapenos, and tomatillos in a saucepan, cover with water. Add a splash of vinegar. Bring to a boil, and cook for 10 minutes, until tomatillos are soft. Drain, and put vegetables in a blender. Add a handful of cilantro, and the juice of two limes. Blend until reasonably smooth.
Place a small amount of the salsa verde in the bottom of a 9 x 13 inch pan to prevent the tortillas from sticking. Cover bottom of pan with four to six corn tortillas. (They can overlap, or you can cut them in two if overlapping offends your very sensibilities and you need them to look pretty.) Put some of the green chili/chicken mixture over the tortillas, followed by some of the salsa verde. Sprinkle some of the cheese over the mixture. Repeat. Finish with tortillas and cheese, with any remaining salsa verde on the top. (You notice I am not using measurements, because you can have as many stacks as you want, and as your ingredients allow.)
Bake for 30 minutes. Let it sit for a few minutes after removing it from the oven.
If you are really industrious, you can make your own green chili and roast your own chicken. I’m not that industrious (though I have been known to make my own green chili; I let the grocery store roast the chicken). Also, you can cut the recipe in half, which is what I generally do. I then use half a roasted chicken (setting the rest aside for some other use), and use a 9 x 9 inch pan.
I don’t think I will be asked to be a chef at a Mexican restaurant.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Everything's Peachy

A few weeks ago, I got an email from a neighbor who was hawking Palisade peaches as part of a fundraiser for the Optimists Club. I like optimists, being one myself. I don’t know what their club does, but I love peaches. So I said I’d take a box.
I especially love peaches grown in the orchards of Palisade, a community on Colorado’s Western Slope. I know that Georgia boasts of being the “peach state,” and far be it from me to dispute that, having never eaten a Georgia peach fresh off the tree. But the peaches from Colorado’s Western Slope, when the weather cooperates fully in the spring as the blossoms are popping open, are sweet, juicy, and absolutely delicious. Given Colorado’s unpredictable springtime weather, even on the warmer western side of the mountains, good weather is never a certainty.
The box of peaches was delivered to me on Saturday. I have been looking at the unopened box since, afraid to look inside, knowing that those peaches were ready to eat. I knew that there was a minimum of 20 peaches in there. While my husband and I love peaches, eating 20 before they become soft and mushy, and the little gnats start flying around, was going to be tough.
So, as I mentioned yesterday, I made a pie crust (actually enough pie crust for two double-crust pies) and let it rest in the refrigerator overnight. This morning, armed and ready to make pies, I got up early, made a pot of coffee, and tentatively opened the box.
Well, there were actually 24 beautiful, gigantic peaches, each in their own little individual plastic resting place. I can’t say they were glistening, as the fuzzy skin prevents that from happening. They were, however, perfectly and completely ripe. Not too ripe. Perfectly ripe.
I filled a large Dutch oven with water and brought it to a boil. I filled my largest bowl with cold water, and added ice to it to ensure that it was very cold. I then carefully placed several peaches into the boiling water and let them sit for 45 seconds or so, and then took them out with a slotted spoon and placed them in the ice bath. After a minute or so, I rubbed off the skin. Easy as can be.
Now, this is what I do any time I prepare peaches to make a pie, or to can or freeze for the winter, or to prepare them for ice cream. Same technique every time. But let me tell you that it hardly ever works the way it’s supposed to. Even when the peaches are supposedly ripe, the skin rarely comes off the way it does for Alton Brown or other cooking gurus who demonstrate the technique on television. The problem, I think, is that even when the peaches feel ripe because they are soft, they often aren’t. I don’t know this for a fact, not being a horticulturist, but my guess is that once peaches are picked, they no longer ripen. They might get softer but they don’t get riper. Therefore, they hang on to their skin no matter what.
But these peaches, as I said earlier, are ripe. Perfectly ripe. Therefore, the skins came off with a simple rub of my hand over the peach. I’m embarrassed to tell you just how happy that made me. The peaches are without flaw.
So, now I had 24 skinless peaches (actually 18 because I set aside six for us to eat), cut into slices, covered with Fruit Fresh to prevent them from discoloring, awaiting further action.
Normally I use seven peaches to make a pie. I recognized, however, that these were really large peaches, so I set aside the slices of 12 of them to be used for my two pies. I prepared them using my mother’s peach pie recipe:
Fresh Peach Pie
5 c. sliced peaches (about 7 medium)
1 t. lemon juice
1 c. sugar
¼ c. flour or 2-1/2 T. tapioca
¼ t. cinnamon
2 T butter
Mix peaches and lemon juice. Stir together sugar, flour or tapioca, and cinnamon. Mix with peaches. Turn into pastry-lined pie pan, dot with the butter. Top with pastry. Make slits in the top of the pie. Brush pie top with water or egg wash and sprinkle with sugar. Bake at 425 degrees for 35 to 45 minutes.
Except that I didn’t bake the pies. I took the recipe as far as putting the top crust over the peaches, and then I put them in the freezer.
Since the peaches were so big, I actually only used eight of them for my two pies. This left me with 10 peaches to either freeze or can. I filled up six pint jars with peaches and light syrup, and still had a pile of cut-up peaches. (I think they were multiplying.) I put the mason jars in the water to boil, and called in reinforcements – my husband.
“I need to do something with this pile of peaches, and I need to do it quickly. You have that food saver that you couldn’t resist buying sitting downstairs,” I reminded him, using a loving voice without a touch of sarcasm. So the two of us spooned the remainder of the peaches, along with the syrup, into four quart bags. We placed them in the freezer. Tomorrow, when they are fully frozen, we will commence sucking the air out of the bags and sealing them. Finally. A use for the food saver.
It was a lot of work – two-and-a-half hours worth, in fact, but well worth it. Sometime this winter, when I am lamenting the cold weather, I will pull out a pie and bake it, and enjoy a bit of “summer” in the snow.
Monday, August 23, 2010
I, my friends, am a messy cook.
Not messy in the same way that you see Bobby Flay or Tyler Florence or Giada DiLaurentis after they have cooked an entire meal, including appetizers and pomegranate appletinis (in which they used freshly pressed apple juice and real pomegranates). You might see them take a spotlessly clean cloth and wipe down a counter and toss out a few lemon or apple peelings, all the while smiling at the camera and proudly showing off their cleavage (well, at least Giada, and I’m not bitter).
I’m talking about flour spilling, eggs breaking on the counter, tea towels getting used to wipe up any multitude of messes. I’m talking cupboard doors remaining open, drawers sticking out for me to bump my knee into (which I invariably do), the garbage can filling up to nearly overflowing. I’m messy in the way that should draw health inspectors to my home when they learn that I am making dessert.

I think it’s important to talk about my problem because those of us who watch Food Network compulsively (and I must admit I do) often have unreal expectations. Like not spilling sugar on the floor. And not cussing.
I come from a family of good cooks. As I have mentioned, my mother was a very good cook who, from what I recall, neither showed cleavage nor made a dreadful mess. Both of my sisters and my brother are wonderful cooks, and I can say the same for them. I don’t really know why I’m the one who can’t move a cup of flour from the canister to a bowl without spilling it along the way.
Still, it’s the result that counts, and as long as I am willing to clean up my own mess, I guess I shouldn’t get too shook up about it all.
By the way, you should see my kitchen following Thanksgiving dinner!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Going Home
We have both lived in Colorado for over 30 years, but we still think of the town in Nebraska in which we grew up as “going back home.” As we drove around the town, which has doubled in size since we lived there – from around 10,000 people to now over 20,000 – we both recalled memories around the things we saw. We remembered people, events, sadness, fears, and joy. I learned about things my sister did as a child I had known nothing about, and she learned the same kinds of things from me. She was naughtier than I.
Many of our memories revolve around food. As we drove by the house in which we grew up, we noted how much smaller it is than we recalled. We wondered how our mother would cook meals for our family of six in such a small kitchen. We pondered about where she might have gotten the wonderful produce we ate every summer. We couldn’t remember her ever going to a farmer’s market, and yet each summer we munched on homegrown green beans and golden yellow sweet corn. It’s a farm community, as are most towns in central and eastern Nebraska, so she probably got the produce directly from the farmers who would come into our family bakery every Saturday to stock up on bread and pastries for the week.
We listened to family stories told by some of our cousins who still live in that area. One cousin talked about how talented a baker my father was. “The donuts were so light you almost had to tie a string around them or they would float away!” she said. I recall that they sold for 65 cents a dozen – remarkable when you think that you couldn’t buy a single donut today for that price.
My sister and I ate dinner, not once, but twice, at the steak house where we celebrated most of our birthdays. When we walked in, we noted that not that much has changed in the 30 years since we moved west. Red leather chairs, tables with wood veneer, and the waitresses (for that’s what they are – not servers, not waiters, not wait staff) still bring out the food on a push cart. We each ate beef the first night, and fried chicken (well, actually it’s broasted) the second night. Our side dish was a little bowl of spaghetti that tasted exactly as it had when we were children.
This particular restaurant always had the most delicious Italian dressing I’ve ever tasted. I was so happy to learn that the dressing has not changed one iota. I bought some to bring home, and asked the waitress if she could find out the recipe for me, as it is something I have wondered about my whole adult life. (That, by the way, is not hyperbole. I have looked on the Internet on a number of occasions to see if I could find their recipe.) She came back shortly and said, “oil, cider vinegar, onion, and garlic.” Really? No special herbs? No cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil? No Dijon mustard? Now my goal is to try and recreate it.
It was a wonderful weekend in which we learned more about our mother, who died when she was only 68. Seeing where she grew up and becoming acquainted with her childhood helps us understand ourselves better.
It was good to go home.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Back Yard Produce
As I mentioned before, I’m not a gardener. However, I do have a plethora of fruit trees and shrubs growing in my yard, the bulk of which were there when we moved in. Every year, I watch the trees and shrubs flower, bear fruit, and go dormant. I also watch the fruit die a slow death on the vines or get eaten by the birds.
I have three apple trees – one Granny Smith and two Jonathans. I have a pear tree that faithfully produces fruit annually. I have a big raspberry bush and grape vines growing along my back fence. So much homegrown produce that has always gone to waste. This year, I’m determined to harvest my fruit, and pack it away in some form for the winter months.
I searched online and found out how and when to harvest my pears. Up until now, I always thought they would ripen on the tree, but as I waited for that to happen, the squirrels always got to them first. These annoying little animals take one bite out of the fruit and drop it on the ground where it gets sour and begins to smell. Instead, what I’m told to do is to pick them once they change from green to gold. Then I need to store them in a cool environment (probably my basement) and let them ripen there. I think this needs to happen soon.
My plan then is to make pear butter (which will be wonderful Christmas presents), make and freeze some pear tarts, and can the remaining pears for use during the rest of the year.
The raspberries have caused me great angst. I planted the bush when we moved into this house 17 years ago, and the bush has never produced great amounts of raspberries. My suspicion is that it doesn’t get enough water. So it has always produced some tiny berries, which mostly were eaten by the birds. This year, however, it produced a pretty good crop. I picked them and made them into raspberry jam.
The grape vines, I noticed recently, are heavy with green grapes, which will eventually turn purple. I’m not ambitious enough to make wine, but I think I will try to pick them this year and make grape jelly. Making grape jelly is not the easiest thing in the world to do. You have to first cook the grapes, and then strain the juice to separate it from the grape skins. The jelly comes from the grape juice. It’s much easier, frankly, to go to the grocery store and buy organic grape juice from which to make jelly. But, as I said, I’m determined this year to make full use of my fruit.
Finally, the apples. Sigh. So, so many apples. I try to talk my grandkids into picking them up from the ground, where they fall and eventually sour. The grandkids are not particularly interested, though this year I may try to bribe them with cold, hard cash.
I will make applesauce, apple crisp, apple pies, and beg people to take bags of apples to do the same. Have you ever tried to give away homegrown apples? It’s worse than zucchini! The worms, don’t ya know.
Anyway, I have good intentions. We’ll see how far those intentions get me this year.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
The Hostess with the Mostest
I also walked to school (not uphill either way!), but I didn’t pass a grocery store. It didn’t matter. I wouldn’t have purchased a package of Hostess Cupcakes anyway. (And my soda pop choice in those days would have been strawberry Nehi.)
As the daughter of a professional baker, I never, ever ate Hostess anything. No Cupcakes. No Twinkies. No Snoballs. No Little Debbies. No Moonpies. If I wanted anything sweet, I ate one of my dad’s glazed donuts or filled bismarks.
With one exception: When our family went on our driving vacation to Colorado (which we did every summer), my dad would naturally stop for gasoline along the way. My brother and sisters and I could go into the gas station (really no little stores at most gas stations back then as there is now), and if we were lucky enough that they had a few sweet treats, we could get a package of Hostess Cupcakes or Twinkies.
I always got Hostess Twinkies, and I thought those pieces of sponge cake filled with what was likely nothing more than sweetened lard (no one worried about transfats or any other kinds of fats in those days) were the most delicious thing I would ever taste. Who knows how old they were at the point that I finally took my first delicious bite? What did it matter? The shelf life, then as now, was nearly limitless. And when that sweet filling touched my tongue, oh, it was pure heaven!
Now, as an adult, I can eat Hostess treats anytime I want. I will admit to being most tempted to bite into a Hostess Twinkie when we take a road trip. Perhaps it’s nothing more than habit. However, with all due respect to Hostess, every time I give in to temptation and eat a Hostess treat, I am disappointed. The cake is stale and the cream has a flat, metallic taste. My husband, I will tell you, still thinks they’re quite good. He, however, has never met a sweet treat he doesn’t like.

Tonight I host my book club. We serve wine and dessert (what else do we need?). Because I am the only one in my book club that doesn’t work outside the home (I retired a few years back), I feel compelled to make my dessert from scratch. The book club members honestly do not expect me to do that. I put the pressure on myself.
Tonight they are eating Chocolate Coffee cupcakes filled with a coffee-liqueur-flavored cream and frosted in a chocolate buttercream. Grown-up Hostess Cupcakes.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Farm Store
The day was pretty. The sky was still blue, since the inevitable late summer afternoon rainclouds hadn’t yet moved in. The mountains were purple against the blue sky. As we drove along the two-lane road, I spotted a hand-painted sign that said Something from the Farm in black letters accented by rather amateur-looking flowers and flourishes.
“A farm store!” I cried. My very patient husband immediately slowed down the car, knowing full well that we were going to visit the market. He’s learned a few things about me in our 18 years of marriage.
We pull into the narrow gravel driveway, and I see several absolutely beautiful vegetable and flower gardens, colorful and full of plenty. At the end of the driveway was a little wooden structure – the farm store.
We walked in and were greeted by a friendly woman of probably 65 or so, apparently the gardener. She was surrounded by lovely red tomatoes; green and yellow squash; several varieties of onions; bags and bags of bright green beans; red, yellow and green peppers; jars of honey; and stacks of freshed-bake bread and rolls.
Several years ago, my husband and I had the immense privilege of spending three months in Europe, two of those months in what may be my favorite place on earth – Italy. One of the things I love most about Italy is the beautiful fresh produce grown by the Italian people and sold in small markets throughout the country. The Italian gardens are lovely. In the smaller towns and villages, the people will have a little plot of ground right outside their door on which they will grow a variety of vegetables. I used to love to see how their tomatoes grew – supported by three sticks they looped together to make a teepee of sorts.
Even in the bigger cities, such as Rome or Naples, people will have baskets of basil and oregano, tiny lemon trees, and buckets of cherry tomatoes growing right on their balconies or doorsteps.
I was reminded of Italy today in the farmer’s market. It made me very happy.
I looked around, however, and couldn’t see hide nor hair of the one thing I particularly wanted – sweet corn. The peaches and cream sweet corn produced by the Colorado farmers about this time of year is scrumptious, but nowhere to be seen in this store. So I asked the woman if she had any sweet corn. She walked over to a large table that had wet towels thrown over a pile of something I couldn’t see. She lifted up the wet towels to show me piles of delicious corn.
“I keep them damp so that they retain the best flavor,” she explained. Well, of course you do.
So I bought a half dozen ears of corn, a bag of green beans that I’m going to cook with a ham hock and some small red potatoes tomorrow for dinner, and a loaf of still warm-to-the-touch Swedish rye bread. Tonight we feast.
By the way, you would think that since I so love fresh produce that I would garden myself. Here’s the rub: Gardening is one of those things that I want to like to do, but simply do not. My knees hurt if I kneel too long on the ground. I hate pulling weeds. I heartily dislike any kind of garden pest. So after several years of struggling with a garden, I gave it up.
I’ll support my local farmer’s markets, and let them slap the mosquitos. I’ll enjoy the fruits of their labor.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Let's Make a Dill

Today I prepared and processed six pints of dill pickles. I make at least one batch of pickles each summer about this time.
I love to make pickles. In fact, I love to can anything. I’m not sure why. My mother never canned, nor did my grandmother – at least not to my knowledge. I’ve been convinced for some time that I lived as a pioneer woman in a former life. In fact, I used to think that I would love to live out in the country on a farm. But then I started thinking about how I hate bugs (particularly grasshoppers), run to the grocery store about three times a day, and love living near my grandchildren. Good sense prevailed.
Last weekend I went to the farmers’ market after church and bought several pounds of pickling-sized cucumbers. I spent half a week just looking at them before I finally went to Whole Foods and got some dill.
And speaking of my Whole Foods-dill adventure, here’s a shout-out to the nicest produce man in the country. Marcus not only went in the back to find me some dill, but when he came back with it, he gave it to me for nothing! Said he loves dill pickles! Maybe I’ll take him a jar.
But back to canning….. Pickles are particularly pleasurable to make, because they smell so darn good. The smell of fresh dill combined with the smell of the vinegary brine just makes me think of late summer.
I used pint jars instead of quart jars (which all the recipes told me to use), and this resulted in me having to cut my cukes into quarters in order to fit them in the jar. That’s okay. I prefer a pickle spear over a whole pickle anyway.
Don’t be afraid of canning. It’s the simplest thing ever. It just requires that you are careful about using sterile jars and lids. Once you have the jars filled with whatever the content is, add the liquid to the top (or about a quarter of an inch from the top), wipe the rim, and put on the lid. Then you just boil the jars in a big pot (I have a canning pot that I got years ago from Ace Hardware) for the required time (remember to add 10 minutes if you live above 5,000 feet). Once the jars have processed for the required length of time, remove them from the boiling water and set them on the counter to cool. As they do so, the lids make a cheerful popping sound, which tells me a vacuum has been created. Yay!
I said don’t be afraid of canning, but I must admit that I don’t can fresh vegetables unless I pickle them. There’s more of a trick to preserving them – I think it requires pressure cooking, which terrifies me. Maybe some day I will get up the nerve. In the meantime, I stick to pickles, tomatoes, and jams and jellies.
Here’s my recipe for pickles:
2-3 pounds of small pickling cucumbers
Fresh dill
1 qt. water
1 qt. white vinegar
¼ c. pickling salt
In the bottom of six pint mason jars, place a garlic clove that you have peeled, six or seven whole peppercorns, and a sprig of fresh dill. Place your cut cukes into the jars, as many as you can fit in.
In a pan, boil the mixture of water, vinegar, and salt for five minutes. Pour the brine into the jars right over the cucumbers, filling the jar to about a quarter of an inch from the top. Place another sprig of dill (and another peeled garlic clove if you like your pickles really garlicky) on top of the cucumbers. Put the lids on, and process for 10 minutes (I process for 20 minutes because I live in Denver). Remove the jars, place on the counter, and wait for the pop.
They say you should wait three weeks to eat the pickles. That rarely happens. Here’s a true story: While I said my mother never canned, she did make pickles. She made what she called her 3-day pickles. She would cut up her cukes and place them in a bowl. It was always the same green bowl – it came from a set that she got as a wedding present. She would pour her brine over her cukes, put a plate on top, and put a heavy can of some sort of vegetables or fruit on top to hold the cukes down into the brine. The goal was to wait three days for delicious pickles. But we never waited. Almost immediately my dad would sneak into the kitchen and take a pickle from the bowl. All of the kids would follow suit. Little by little, the cucumbers (you could hardly call them pickles) would disappear. By time the three days passed, there wasn’t a pickle to be found. Yum.
Here’s my mother’s recipe for 3-Day Dill Pickles, just as she dictated it to me:
4-6 cucumbers
2 pints water
1 c. vinegar
¼ c. salt
Clean and wash cucumbers – cut in quarters and place in open bowl. Cover with fresh dill or dill seed. Bring liquid mixture to boil and pour over cukes. Cover with a plate so liquid covers cukes.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Birthday Cake
My grandfather was a professional baker, and owned his own bakery in the small Nebraska town in which I grew up. My father, following in his own father’s footsteps, was also a professional baker, and ultimately took over my grandfather’s bakery. That bakery bore our family’s name for nearly 50 years.
When people learn about my family’s culinary background, they often say, “You must have grown up with lots of sweets in your house. Did your father do a lot of baking at home?”
My father did exactly zero baking at home. It would have been extraordinarily difficult for him to translate a recipe from 200 loaves of bread to one. And, since donuts and cookies and pastries and fresh bread were always available to us (our entire family worked in some capacity for my father at some point in our lives), we rarely brought anything home. Except for bread. My father made the most delicious white bread you could ever imagine. Some day I’m going to make a loaf of white bread that rivals his….. But, I digress.
I started thinking about this today as I baked a birthday cake for my son, who will turn 30 on Sunday. A banana cake with chocolate icing. It’s what he always requests. (I love baking cakes, but still, after all these years, I struggle to get the perfect cake in this high altitude.) Anyway, I began thinking about how I am pretty sure I never had a homemade birthday cake (meaning a cake prepared in a home kitchen) until I was an adult. An OLD adult, as a matter of fact.
Now, don’t get me wrong. I always had a birthday cake. But it was always a cake prepared in the bakery. And very often, it was a cake that someone else had ordered and neglected to pick up. In fact, we have a story we tell every year on my brother’s birthday, and the story is absolutely true. His birthday falls right after Christmas, and my mother had forgotten to prepare him a birthday cake. But, luckily enough, one of their customers hadn’t picked up the cake they had ordered that day. That year, my brother Dave’s birthday cake said Happy birthday Frank from Friends.
I found a recipe for a delicious banana cake with rich chocolate frosting. I’m going to pair it with homemade frozen vanilla custard, and it will knock my son’s socks off!
I wonder if Frank was mad at his friends for not getting him a birthday cake?
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Simply cooking simply
I love to cook. Preparing delicious food for my family and friends is one of my greatest joys. Very often, my husband will say, “Make it easy on yourself and just buy it already-made.” That makes sense to him, because he doesn’t even like to get too close to the grill. I’d rather prepare it myself.
Furthermore, people think I’m a pretty good cook. In particular, my daughters-in-law frequently tell me what a good cook they think I am. They tell their children that Nana can make ANYTHING.
One day I walked into our son’s house and was greeted by my 5-year-old grandson with, “Nana, can you make eggnog?” No “hello Nana,” just a culinary dare of sorts.
I looked sort of blankly at him since the question came without context. “Say yes,” said my daughter-in-law. She told me they had been talking about cooking, and she had told him that there wasn’t anything Nana couldn’t cook.
“Well,” I said to him, “if I have a recipe, I really can cook just about anything – even eggnog.”
That apparently resonated with him. On a recent Saturday morning, I arrived early at their house to watch the kids while Mom and Dad did a long early-morning run in preparation for a marathon. My grandson was the first one up that morning. I asked him what he would like for breakfast, and he immediately answered, “banana bread.”
“Well, I don’t think there is any banana bread,” I said.
“Then make some,” he answered simply.
I appeased him with peanut butter toast with bananas, and promised him some banana bread very soon. I kept my promise yesterday and delivered a loaf of freshly-made banana bread, with instructions that he must share it with his three sisters.
Cooking touches some very inner part of me and makes me feel like I’m connected to my family and friends and to the planet on which we live. Perhaps I learned this from my mother, who was a good, simple cook who prepared a full evening meal nearly every day, after putting in a full day of work outside the home. She made it seem simple. I do not.
But that’s okay. I want to help people know and understand that cooking doesn’t have to be flawless preparation like we see on the cable cooking channels. It just needs to be taking ingredients, putting them together in a way that makes sense, and serving loved ones. It’s that simple.